Sunday, 14 February 2016

Minding the Egyptian Reservists

1.2.16  Breakfast at 6 am.;parade 6.40.  Marched over to road in front of Barracks of Egyptian Reservists to prevent them marching out.
4th & 7th R.S. marched into Barracks' Square at 3pm., and rounded men into Barracks, a guard being kept on doors all night.  We were relieved by Australians at 8 am.  I went on quarter-guard at 10-30 am.  This was to guard officers' tents, to keep out intruders.  We were 2 hours on and 4 off.  We had bayonets fixed all the time.  I came off guard at 9.30 am. on 3.2.16  I had nothing to do all day after 9.30.  The others had the usual parades. I got 4 papers (one from "The Cottage"), 1 letter (P. Gemmel)

[on first February in 1916 the Russians were moving into Armenia]