Sunday, 6 March 2016

... parades, fatigues, de-lousing, cholera inoculation, the usual...

4.2.16  We had drill as usual; physical exercises 6.30 to 7 am.; company and platoon drill 10-11 & 11.10- 12.30 (Reveille always at 5.30 am. ) In the afternoon we were issued with uniforms.  We also got 1 shirt each from gifts sent to the battalion; some men also received socks.

5.2.16  Usual parades.  Letters from home (5th & 24th) and papers.

6.2.16  (Sun)  On fatigue 9 am. carrying rations to Q.M. Stores and cook-house.  I got beef to carry, then carried wood to cook-house.  I missed church parade.  I was at service at Soldier's Home in teh evening.  I joined the "Pocket-testament League".

7.2.16  Usual parades.  I went to Heliopolis in evening with H. Cowan.  Had a letter from home dated 17th Jan.  Also one from Mr Sutherland.  I was inoculated against cholera.

8.2.16  This was the battalion's day on brigade fatigues; 6.30 am. cleaning officers' lines of Brigade; 9 to 12.30 cleaning rubbish from ground, left by R.F.A.; 2 to 3.30 pm. shifting officers' tents; 3.30 to 5 pm. down to Abbassia siding from mails.

9.2.16  Usual parades.  Put on hut guard for 24 hours at 4 pm.  On from 6 to 8 pm. etc. Dress:  clean fatigue, with belt and bayonet; cane during day; fixed bayonet and 5 rounds in magazine at night.  Hut guard till 4 pm.

10.2.16  Had spray-bath in forenoon (second since here). 

11.2.16  Usual forenoon parades; paid in afternoon: got £1:12 (Making £3:2:4 drawn since I left home).  Went to music-hall with H. Cowan. (A good acrobatic act).  (I met H Cowan once by chance some years after demob.; he was manager of a S.C.C.A. branch in Blackhall).

12.2.16  Usual parades; in Cairo in afternoon;  walked through Esbekieh Gardens & went to cinema in evening.

Ezbekiah Gardens, Cairo
13.2.16  Curch parade in morning.  Went to zoo at Gizeh beside River Nile in afternoon.  We were rowed down Nile to Cairo at night (2 pts, each)  I was with Fleming and Noble.  We had dinner in Cairo.

14.2.16  Morning parade; inoculated against cholera 9.30 am.  Fatigue at 3 pm.  Guard at Canteen 5.30 to 9.30 pm.  Advance party left for Ballah at 11 pm.