Saturday, 26 December 2015

Artillery and mines, wet up to the knees, and Xmas pudding

On 18th Dec. X Coy. went into support lines, Y Coy. replacing them.  I was on guard duty from 3 pm. on 18th till 7 pm on 19th, listening down mine, on hour on, and four off, - in case of counter-mining, as it went under bombing station.  On 19th Dec (Sun), H.L.I. took some trenches on our right. Attack began at 2.15 pm. with our Monitors sending over four shells, then three mines were blown up.

Monitor class warship.  Broad beamed, so stable, but slow

The artillery duel lasted till 5 pm.  I was put into the firing-line at 7 pm. We had to stand-to most of night, getting 1 hour off & 2 on after midnight, the second hour on duty being spent sitting ready on the firing step.  I had taken the place of a man killed by shrapnel on 19th (from No. 8 platoon).

We were relieved at noon on 10th Dec. - went into support till 10 am. on 21st, when we were removed to the Redoubt line, the battn., with the exception of No. 4 platoon to which I was attached (Sgt Cowan Platoon Sgt.), going to the Eski Lines.  There was very heavy rain on afternoon & night of 21st.  The trenches were 2 feet deep in water in some places.  We were removed to a new part of the Redoubt on 22nd, my feet being wet all day on 22nd and 23rd, when I was wet up to the knees.  On Sat.,Xmas Day, we had 1/2 lb. Xmas pudding for dinner.  This was the first day of shelling by the Turks, which continued daily till the evacuation.

Redoubt line 
Eski lines - a deep wide support trench
The evacuation

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